Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pop-Culture Feminist Warriors

I consider myself a feminist.

I have always considered myself a feminist, even before I knew what the word meant. I was, to be certain, a weird little boy. When I was seven I wanted Wonder Woman underwear more than anything else in the world and my parents, being obliging and open-minded, bought me a pair. A picture of me posing in them sits on top of the desk in bedroom now. Of course, I also had Superman pajamas that I proudly wore, so I represented both sides of the gendered coin.

Being a father to two lovely girls has only reinforced my commitment to feminist principles. You know, the radical idea that women are human beings deserving of the same treatment and opportunity as men.

Which brings me to... Barbie?

Yes. Barbie. As a rule, I abhor Barbie. Mind you, Barbie is not the problem, but rather a symptom of a much more insidious illness within society. It is the illness that makes women feel bad about the way that they look, that makes women believe that there exists an unattainable ideal for which they must strive and suffer. This false idol of beauty is omnipresent: Disney princesses, singers, actresses, and, of course, Barbie dolls.

There is a new ad for Barbie out, entitled Imagine the Possibilities, that offers a new take on playing with Barbies. While the ad makes no effort to alter the physical impossibilities of Barbie's shape, it does promote the endless possibilities of empowering young women, and for that, at least, I am pleased.

Check it out.

Remember: you are you. The way you look is perfect. You don't need to lose weight in order to look better. You don't need a different nose. Lipstick does not make you more appealing. Waxing is not an evolutionary imperative. Be yourself. Love yourself. Fuck anyone who demands something different from you.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

It's a Trap!

So... white supremacists are apparently enraged over the newly-released preview for the new Star Wars movie. I guess it promotes white genocide or some other anxiety fetish of the fringe right-wing.

They've even started their own hashtag, so you know it's a serious political movement...

It seems that black actor John Boyega has an important role in the movie, and this inclusion of a black dude in a space movie from an unspecified time and place is proof positive that... white people now face cultural and or literal extermination. If you find that connection difficult to make, then pat yourself on the back, because it's a clear demonstration that you're a functional human being.

This is so mindbogglingly stupid that I'm not even sure where to begin with a counterpoint. The fact is that I'm exhausted of treating these idiot racists as though they were human beings deserving of my patience and time. If you think that the new Star Wars movie represents some kind of covert cultural plot to subvert white supremacy, then I hope that you move to the backwoods of an unmapped area, construct yourself an outhouse from moldy wooden boards that you salvaged from an abandoned doghouse, don a tinfoil hat, and spend your day masturbating to your Nazi fantasies.

Good riddance.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Your Life in Pi

Pi. Sometimes approximated as 3.14 or 22/7, it is an irrational number that has no exact fractional representation and whose decimal representation goes on into infinity.

It's an incredible number.

Check it out. Since it's an infinite, non-repeating number, every conceivable sequence of numbers will be represented at some point on the endless line of digits of pi. Your phone number is somewhere in there. Your birthday is in there. Your paternal grandfather's birthday followed by his first phone number followed by the date he was married is in there.

But it gets better. When the digits of pi are converted into binary (the 0's and 1's that compose the digital script for the pictures that we see on television sets), every conceivable picture will show up at some point along the line of pi. There will be a picture of you when you were born. There will be an exact replica of the Mona Lisa. A picture of you and your significant other engaged in your first awkward kiss. Every movie ever made, every book ever written, every unplanned Tourette's outburst: all represented within pi.

This blog post.

Basically, all of the information ever created within the universe is stored within the digits of pi. It's really breathtaking when you take time to consider the implications of this fabulous number.

You'll Get Hit by a Car

The other day, I was driving in the car with my wife and my two daughters. The older one, recently turned four years old, began telling us a story about... well, I'm sure it was about something, but I had a lot of trouble following her.

As both a parent and an early elementary school teacher, I've learned to focus on tone of voice, hand gestures, and other cues to help fill in the spaces left blank by children's various speech impediments. If you're just listening to the words and sounds coming from their mouths, you're probably not getting the right story.

So older daughter was talking, and suddenly her tone became very serious, almost cautionary, and she began talking about crossing the street. "And, you know, cuz when you cross the street, you always look both ways, otherwise the bus can drive and the trucks or cars and you always look this way and that way and both ways when you cross the street, right Daddy?"

"Right, hon," I agreed, happy that she had internalized the repeated lessons regarding safety while crossing the street.

"Yeah," concurred my three-year-old, nodding her head up and down wisely, "Cuz else you get hit by a car and your head hurts and you die."

Wow, I thought to myself. That got really serious really quickly.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Shine On

I like to look at sappy, uplifting pictures and videos on a regular basis as a reminder of the good in the world.

See, for years I used to go to great lengths to mask my essential optimism and romanticism about life because I was terrified of being so open with other people. I thought that I had to present a tough, cynical front to the world in order to protect myself against the harm others would do to me. It wasn't long before cynicism ceased being a mask and soon became who I was. In the span of just a couple of years I had gone from being a decent, nice, fun-loving person to one who no longer cared to be around others, one who openly mocked everyone and everything that he saw, one who scowled and sneered more than he smiled.

It wasn't long before the mask that I wore soon became my real face. It was no longer a front, but my true self. I wasn't capable of realizing it at the time, but my fear of being hurt had turned me into a foul creature, a thing of darkness that was terrified of the light. I had essentially turned myself into a Gremlin. I became a mean, isolated, selfish, self-involved, hateful alcoholic.

The worst part was how deeply I hated myself.

For years I had lived on the memories of the wonderful things I had done when I was younger, telling myself that I was still that person. While in high school, I had volunteered several days a week at a day care center in an economically-depressed neighborhood. I had regularly worked at soup kitchens. I led the Amnesty International Chapter at school. I did things, I was involved with the world around me, and I loved it. After I graduated from college, I packed my bags and moved to Taiwan on a whim. I stayed there for a year, teaching English and exploring the city of Taipei, and then moved to Quito, Ecuador for a while.

When I returned home to Chicago, however, things began to spiral out of control. I started drinking more, I stopped venturing outside so often, I began to have terrible anxiety that soon progressed into panic attacks, and I fell into a severe depression. Over the next several years, things just got worse for me, to the point that I was pretty much a permanent stumbling drunk. I didn't want to see my children or my wife, and I fantasized about running away and starting over in a different country.

Fortunately, I hit bottom and sought help. I've been sober for nineteen months now, my anxiety has mostly been tamed, and I've rejoined the ranks of the living. The point is that there are a lot of people out there who are suffering, and they're paralyzed by their pain. Please know that it can get better. You can help to pull yourself out of your funk and start anew. People all over the world do it everyday. You're not to blame for your situation. You didn't make yourself depressed or anxious, and you didn't decide to become an alcoholic or an addict. You are suffering from a disease, albeit a disease that has a horrible social stigma attached to it.

If you do need help, please seek it. It's out there. There are literally millions of people all over the world who are ready, eager, and trained to help you regain your self. Don't wait another day. You aren't meant to suffer for another moment.

Returning to my initial point, here are twenty-five pictures of people doing wonderful things. I would look at these when I was at my lowest and they would bring tears to my eyes. It was a small ray of light that had somehow pierced the cloud cover that had surrounded me, reminding me that the Sun is always shining, even on the darkest of days.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Truthful Tweets About Parenting

Cheezburger has a great collection of tweets about parenting from parents. If you have children of your own, I'm pretty sure that you'll enjoy both the wisdom and the humor in these tweets. If you don't have children, then please, sleep in tomorrow morning. Enjoy yourself. Live your life. It all comes to a screeching halt once the kids arrive.

Truthful Tweets About Parenting

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Now Wouldn't This Be Interesting?

It seems to me that what one thinks regarding the possibilities of extra-terrestrial intelligence should depend a lot on whether or not one believes the universe to be infinite. That is, if the universe truly is infinite - and our current understanding of the universe seems to be that it is, in fact, infinite - then, by definition, life must exist in other parts of the universe.

Follow me here. If the universe is infinite, that means, more or less, that it continues on forever. It never stops. It just keeps going and going and going. Given this, there have to be Earth-like planets in the universe. There have to be other planets capable of supporting technologically-advanced life. In fact, if the universe is truly infinite, then there will be other versions of this exact planet and other versions of you and everyone that you love, albeit with certain changes.

This, of course, is an entirely separate question from whether one believes that such technologically-advanced civilizations have traversed time and space in order to visit Earth and, upon descending through the atmosphere of what is obviously a planet with a technologically-capable life form, have decided to make a curious attempt to contact us by etching stupid designs in cornfields and anally-probing bumpkins that they pick up on deserted country roads.


The Atlantic has very interesting story about a mysterious star in our own Milky Way Galaxy. The Kepler Telescope has been staring at this star for four years now, and has sent back images that have astronomers curious about a phenomenon that cannot be easily explained.

Okay. The way that astronomers look for planets in the universe is by staring at stars and waiting for the light that they emit to be briefly blocked by an orbiting planets. When this happens, they can look more closely to determine certain characteristics of these planets: size, composition, etc.

While doing this, it seems that they have noticed what appears to be a big, unruly mass of matter circling this star in our very own galaxy. Among many potential explanations for this phenomenon, one that the lead astronomer rates as "possible" is that it could be a mass of comets circling the star that haven't yet been sucked into the star and destroyed.

An alternative possibility is that these are artificial satellites that are circling the star in an attempt by a nearby civilization to capture and harness energy from the star.

Stick with me here. There's this thing called the Kardashev scale. This is a theoretical scale that rates civilizations based on their ability to harness energy. Civilizations are then classified as Type I, II, or III. A Type I civilization is capable of utilizing all energy resources on its home planet. A Type II civilization can harness all of the energy emitted by its star, and a Type III civilization can harness all of the energy of its home galaxy. Earth is not yet a fully Type I civilization. According to some calculations, Earth right now would qualify as a Type 0.7 civilization. Scientists do not believe that Type III civilizations exist, at least in our corner of the universe.

Got it?

If (and this is a huge, enormous, colossal if) this star is truly being circled by artificial satellites that can harness its energy for the benefit of a nearby civilization, then we will have discovered a Type I+ civilization, possibly a Type II civilization.

Obviously, much more study is needed before anybody will be able to make a determination as to what it is that's causing this strange disturbance in the light pattern emitted from the star. Until then, there is nothing left to do but dream and wonder and hope that we somehow stumble upon a means of not destroying ourselves before we are able to further advance.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

T.I. and Apologies

Mediocre rapper T.I. apologized for making amazingly sexist comments regarding Hillary Clinton's bid to become President. He said

“Not to be sexist but, I can’t vote for the leader of the free world to be a woman,” he said. “Just because, every other position that exists, I think a woman could do well. But the president? It’s kinda like, I just know that women make rash decisions emotionally – they make very permanent, cemented decisions – and then later, it’s kind of like it didn’t happen, or they didn’t mean for it to happen. And I sure would hate to just set off a nuke. [Other leaders] will not be able to negotiate the right kinds of foreign policy; the world ain’t ready yet. I think you might be able to the Lochness Monster elected before you could [get a woman].”

Well, at least he began his diatribe with "Not to be sexist, but..."

And as for his apologizing, that's great. Wonderful. Thank you for apologizing after sharing your awful line of thinking with the world. You're an idiot, case closed.

But when are we going to get an apology for your true crime against humanity? You are the criminal responsible for unleashing Iggy Azalea on the general population of the world, and I, for one, will never, ever forgive you for that.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Islam and Democracy

Our brave and insightful leaders have, over the past fifteen years, repeatedly told us that Islam is somehow incompatible with democracy. Muslims, the line of thinking goes, are somehow uniquely unqualified to participate in modern democracy because of... well, because of hazy reasons that don't really make a whole lot of sense when analyzed.

Mostly it comes down to the fact that they're just somehow... different. They look different. They speak foreign. They write in squiggly. They don't all wear jean shorts and T-shirts. Some women wear hijabs instead of bad perms and bangs.

Add it all up and one reaches the conclusion that Muslims and modernity simply don't mix.

When this line of argument is advanced, the speaker will quite often point to the obvious, apparent, undeniable sexism that is totally rampant all over the Muslim world. The Muslim world. Take a deep breath and briefly consider how stupid it is to refer to a group of countries as the Muslim world. Now slam your head into a wall three times.

Feel better?

I think it's a useful exercise to consider this line of thinking, this idea that ubiquitous sexism in "The Muslim World" precludes Muslims from participating in democracy.

Quick question: how many female Presidents have the enlightened voters of the Unites States elected?

I will not insult your intelligence by answering that for you.

How many heads of state have the troglodytes of "The Muslim World" elected?

Probably none, right? They were too busy circumcising them and prohibiting them from going to school.

Of course, that's wrong. There have been several female Muslim heads of state:

Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, 1988-1990 and 1993-1996.
Khalid Zia of Bangladesh, 1991-1996 and 2001-2006.
Tansu Ciller of Turkey , 1993-1996.
Megawati Sukarnoputri of Indonesia, 2001-2004.
Mame Madoir Boye of Senegal, 2001-2002.
Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh, 2009-present.
Roza Otunbayeva of Kyrgyzstan, 2010-2011.
Atifete Jahjaga of Kosovo, 2011-present.

Please bear in mind that both Bangladesh and Pakistan have elected women multiple times to be head of state. And before your face turns red and you begin to do the pee-pee dance and you point out that women do face some very real challenges while living in some Muslim countries, please note that I am not denying this. This is true.

But please also note that in some areas Muslim women have achieved power and success that their American counterparts have been denied. This is also true.


Okay. So I stumbled upon Matisyahu one day a couple years back completely by accident. When I finally found him, I realized that I had been looking for his music for a long, long time.

Like most of us, he has a long, complicated personal story. Like me, has has suffered from the addiction disease and, like me, while struggling to free himself from his internal demons, he sought and found refuge in spirituality. For Matisyahu, spirituality initially took the guise of orthodox Judaism, and he dedicated himself completely to the exploration of Judaism. He grew out his beard, wore his hair with pe'ot (the side curls), donned a yarmulke, attended synagogue every Sabbath, and was generally very strict with himself.

As a side note, when I first achieved sobriety, I, too, felt that I needed an external set of rules for myself as a means of finding discipline in my life. For most of us who are addicts, by the time we seek help and are able to find the strength within to achieve sobriety, our lives have become unmanageable and chaotic. We have brought pain into our lives and into the lives of everybody around us. We have learned from experience not to trust ourselves, and thus dedicating ourselves wholly to an external set of rules is a logical step in trying to reclaim sovereignty over our lives.

I know that it sounds confused or confusing to try to discover personal sovereignty by giving oneself over to another, but there isn't actually any contradiction here. Addiction is funny like that: it is only when we give up that we finally move towards victory; it is when we seek help from others that we are able to help ourselves; it is when we subvert our own will that we find true freedom.

Perhaps it is contradictory, but that doesn't make it any less true.

Back to Matisyahu... finally sober and moving towards a clear head and a better understanding of himself, he began making music. His music is touching and beautiful and raw and stubbornly optimistic. It is emotional in a way that most popular music is not. He speaks about his love for the world, his dedication to other human beings, his need for a closer relationship with those around him.

Anyway, as he grew and became more comfortable with himself, he began to slowly shed the outward symbols and signs of his inner spirituality, beginning with shaving his beard and cutting his hair. He has not in any sense moved away from Judaism.

I do not want to speak for him, and I do not want to use him as a mirror for my own personal journey, so I will stop there and not conjecture about his motives. He and his music have been a constant inspiration for me. I do not know if I would have gotten sober and stayed sober were it not for Matisyahu, and for that I will forever be grateful.

Here's "One Day," a gorgeous song of his from 2009.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Etymology

I love words.

Seriously. I love words. I'm a word nerd.

I love learning the etymologies of words. I find it really interesting to be able to trace the lineage of words from their historical origins right up to modern times. The truth is that words have often walked very strange paths to get to us today.

Today's word is awkward.

"Awk" means back-handed, backward, clumsy, or perverse. "-weard" (now -ward) is a suffix meaning in the direction of.


Sunday, October 4, 2015


Oh, Look. Another Mass Shooting.

A while back, The Onion printed a headline in response to another one of America's trademark mass shootings that read "'No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens." I found it to be a humorous and sad summary of the largest health crisis facing Americans right now.

In response to the latest iteration of this strangely American phenomenon (which happened at a small community college in Oregon), President Obama challenged the media to create graphic charts that showed how many Americans were sacrificed at the altar of Second Amendment fetishists. Here are some of the best ones:

We can do better. It is indescribably pathetic that we have allowed weapons manufacturers to create a lobbying group (the NRA) that has duped a cross-section of rubes and psychos into believing that requiring background checks on weapons purchases is the first step towards tyranny. We should not be held hostage by a bunch of well-armed people who run around in tinfoil hats. They are quite literally creating an environment where we are being killed for sport.

Enough. Seriously, enough. This isn't reasonable. This is effing stupid, and I'm tired of it.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Random Thoughts on Boldly Going Where White Supremacy Has Gone Many, Many Times Before

Disclaimer: I am not a Trekkie. I have not seen every Star Trek episode and movie ever made. I cannot quote any dialogue from any installment of the series. I am a casual enjoyer of periodic indulgences in random peeks into the Star Trek universe.

That said, I can't be the only one to notice how racist the Star Trek universe is. The show deals in blatant, nauseating stereotypes in which the alien races that the crew of the Enterprise encounter embody various Earth ethnicities.

Case in point: the Vulcans. They're obviously representations of a caricature of east Asians. Consider that they all have awful bowl haircuts and jet-black hair, their eyebrows are slanted downwards, and they have an infuriating reliance on science, logic, and rational thinking. They're three-for-three on the card of obvious racist stereotypes surrounding east Asians.

Second case in point: the Ferengi. They're just a moderately playful take on Jews. The men wear these bizarre inverse yarmulkes that cover the sides of their heads while leaving the top open and uncovered. They're immoral and greedy bankers and merchants who basically spend their entire existence devising ways to take and hoard other people's money.

I don't know. Even in fictional universes we can't escape our Earth-based bigotry, it seems.

Drone On and On

Ready or not, here come the drones.

There are many reasons to be opposed to the coming ubiquity of these unmanned flying machines: privacy concerns, a healthy distrust of the military and police agencies that will be flying them, and safety concerns.

Let's forgo the first two reasons for opposition for now and focus on the third problem, safety concerns. Since 2001, there have been 47 reported drone crashes within the continental United States. I emphasize the word reported here, because these numbers most certainly do not include drones that have crashed on military bases. The US military has tripled the number of hours it flies these drones within US airspace since 2011, and the air time will only increase in the future. With the passing of a new federal law that will open American airspace to private and corporate drones, the military is planning on operating drone flights from no fewer than 110 bases in 39 states and Puerto Rico. The Defense Department reports that it currently owns some 10,000 drones for use worldwide.

Unsurprisingly, military officers are in full propaganda mode, assuring Americans that there is nothing to be feared from these machines, that they are incredibly safe and will not lead to an increase in aviation accidents. This, of course, is a ridiculous assertion on its face.

In what possible scenario does allowing civilians to operate aerial drones not lead to an increase in aviation accidents? Consider your neighbors. Consider your family. Consider the people that you work with? How many of these people could be trusted with a 300 pound airplane that they control with a joystick? I am in no way suggesting that many people would set out with the intention to do harm to others (although that is obviously a huge concern with a segment of the population), only that flight is an inherently dangerous undertaking and should not be something that the guy with the pickup truck next door should be able to participate in after downing a six-pack of generic beer.

I'll not bore you with the details of the drone crashes that we know about. Look them up yourself if you're interested - the information isn't difficult to find.

More Proof that Tech Developers Are Out to Ruin the World

Have you heard of Peeple?

It's a new app, offered by anti-social visionaries Julia Cordray and Nicole McCullough, that allows people to rate, well, other human beings. You know, like the way we are able to rate restaurants and movies and stores and other non-living entities.

Now, I'm no Luddite, but in what possible way does this app enhance human existence? In what possible scenario is this app not going to be used to actively harm a large number of human beings, many of them teenagers and young people who already have a difficult enough time fitting in?

This is a horrible idea. This is another example of technology superseding basic human decency and empathy, and I hope that it crashes and burns. Have the creators of this app ever even been on the Internet? The Internet is a place where people go to watch porn and to mock other human beings. That's it.

Seriously. This is worse than that stupid app that allows people to send each other a verbal "Yo."

What the hell is wrong with people?