Friday, June 3, 2016

Donald Trump is a Dangerous Dumbass and His Supporters Are No Better

In attempting to explain the inexplicable rise of Donald Trump from annoying reality television star to a possible extinction-level event, many pundits have suggested that Trump is channeling the rage of people who feel as though they have been left behind or even left out of the new global economy. He is, these pundits tell us, a populist rabble-rouser, a truth teller who instinctively understands the economic anxieties of a group of people that society has forgotten.

This, of course, is completely bullshit.

Donald Trump and, by extension, his supporters are not angry because of economic struggles. There is absolutely no evidence that Trump supporters are pitchfork-waving mad due to existential worries stemming from the effects of globalization. Rather, the unifying characteristic of his supporters is that they are unable or unwilling to deal with the changing face of America. To put it simply, Trump's supporters are more racist, more Islamophobic, more homophobic, and more sexist than the average American.

I'll let Kevin Drum explain it.

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